Desiree Peeples

Desiree Peeples is a mom, published author and blogger, and teaches individuals and small businesses how to integrate social media into their promotion and marketing strategies. She worked in traditional broadcast media as a reporter for almost ten years before moving her skills to the online space.

She is the creator of and has a passion for online video blogging. Her newest eGuide titled The EVERYTHING Video Blogger’s Guide for Non-Video Bloggers can now be purchased on Amazon. Desiree has worked with many notable companies in online and offline media campaigns, including LogiTech, Proctor and Gamble, AT&T, PBS KIDS Sprout, The Dial Corporation, and Sky Angel, LLC.

Based in Las Vegas, Nevada, Desiree currently is the head organizer of the Las Vegas Bloggers Meetup Group, a monthly meeting that connects local bloggers and digital media enthusiasts.

She has one son, Kadin, who is five years old and an adopted female rat terrier named “Bentley.”