1. DigitalCube is a team of exparts of WordPress and AWS (Amazon Web Service) based on Japan.
We are WordPress consultant which has been listed on the Code Poet consultant list since 2008
CodePoet Directory
APN(AWS Partnet Network)
We have supported to develop more than 500 WordPress sites from small business to enterprise business. Also we have provided technical support and a hosting service by high performance cloud. Our vastly-experienced engineers would like to contribute to your business as an innovation engine.
2. Our team knows WordPress.
We have also contributed to WordCamps held in Japan, the Japanese WordPress local community, Open Source Conference in Japan and so on. So, we can leverage those experiences and the network of personal contacts to support your building web sites.
Here are some of our team members plugins:
Head Cleaner
WP Total Hacks
Contact Form 7
3.Cloud Solutions & Service
We have AMIMOTO AMI Cloud Hostingservice.
You can use the high speed WordPress on the cloud very easyly.
WP Booster CDN
The revolutionary power of CDN for WordPress.
A WordPress plugin which transforms your WordPress site into static websites and blogs.
Visit DigitalCube to learn more
■Why are you sponsoring WordCamp Las Vegas 2013?
We love WordPress and the community.
We believe contributing to the Open Source is making the World better place.
It would indeed be a pleasure to support WordCamp because it is a kind of a great ecosystem.
■What tip do you have for WordCamp Las Vegas 2013?
Using WordPress and Cloud (AWS), even a small company build and manage a giant web site.
We would like to support your business anytime, so feel free to contact us.
■Any other comments?
We have grown up with WordPress and that community for 7 years.
Developing, publishing and localizing plugins and themes, contributing to the local WordCamps and the community, those are a great experience for us and supports our business.
We would be happy if we could share our experiences and skills obtained in Japan.