Charlie Bass

Speaker Spotlight: Charlie Bass

Charlie BassSession: Taking Your Blog Global: First Conquer Locally then Dominate the World
Track: Sunday Workshop
Time: Sunday, December 14, 9:00 AM

Along with Rosario Grajales and Scott Roeben, Charlie Bass is a panelist on the Taking Your Blog Global: First Conquer Locally then Dominate the World panel. Our three panelists describe their session as:

Most of us have a simple goal for our blog:

starting small and blowing up big!

Of course we all know its not that simple…BUT it can be done through amazing content, personal branding, strategic marketing, and relationship-building.

It’s all about blogging with a purpose. Laying the groundwork, starting modestly with small, attainable goals, content generation, marketing and networking, and cross-pollination with other audiences. Lather, rinse, repeat.

About Charlie Bass:

Charlie has been an internet developer and entrepreneur since 1994 and is one of the original ASP developers in the country, foundin the ASP Developers Conference and the WEB Developers Conference in the late 1990s through 2002, when he moved to Las Vegas from Denver.

In 2002, he founded the Las Vegas Internet Chamber of Commerce and built it to the second largest Chamber of Commerce in the Las Vegas area. Since 2004 he has run the very popular online entertainment oriented podcast “Vegas Talk Radio”. Five years ago, Charlie moved all of his domains to WordPress and has never looked back!

Your Company:
Vegas Talk Radio

Your Website:

What do you love most about WordPress?
Flexibility and speed to implement

What are some of your favorite WordPress-built websites?
All of mine – LOL

What are some of your favorite WordPress plugins?

  • Contact Form 7 & DB
  • Wordfense Security
  • Shareaholic

What should everyone know about WordPress?
Design ease and extendability

Where is your favorite place to visit in the world?
Australia – 3 times

What do you love about Las Vegas?
Entertainment and weather

Favorite movie in 2014 and why:
don’t watch many movies

Favorite non-WordPress activity?
Playing Racquetball
Attending shows

What are three of your pet peeves?
Stupid people (kinda the same as above)

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