Justin Tucker

Speaker Spotlight: Justin Tucker

Justin TuckerSession: Why You Don’t Need A Framework
Track: Developer/Designer
Time: Saturday, December 13, 3:30 PM

To Framework or not to Framework, that is the question. But actually, the first question should really be: what is a WordPress Framework? wpbeginner.com defines it as:

“WordPress theme frameworks are intended to be used as a parent theme template where all the functionality resides. Developers can then create a child theme to add custom styling while leaving the functionality aspects of it to the framework. This allows for a centralized location where all the functions are hosted.”


So how do you decide if you need a Framework or not? Actually, Justin doesn’t think you need one.

Here’s how Justin describes it:

Frameworks are great. Using them can be immensely beneficial. However, they’re not always necessary and something you build could be the answer you’re looking for.

Justin specializes in creating custom theme solutions for a variety of clients, namely agencies. Over the past decade, he’s worked with and for various agencies while holding numerous lead positions.

About Justin Tucker:

Your Company:
Certain Strings

Your Website:

What do you love most about WordPress?
Easy of use and theming. I’ve been using WordPress for roughly 4 years and I’m still learning things.

What are some of your favorite WordPress plugins?

  • Custom Post Type Generator – handles a lot of heavy lifting
  • Uploads by Proxy – so handy
  • Simple Custom Post Order – I don’t understand why this isn’t in core

What should everyone know about WordPress?
Everyone should know about it’s ability to empower people, in both giving people a voice and an appearance on the internet.

Where is your favorite place to visit in the world?
England so far, but I’m sure that will extend to Europe overall.

Favorite movie in 2014 and why:
Guardians of the Galaxy. It was really well done and didn’t seem have a lot of cheese like the other superhero movies.

Favorite non-WordPress activity?
Riding my longboard

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