Announcing the Official WCLV 2017 After-Party at ReBAR

The official WCLV After-Party is happening at ReBAR on Saturday night from 7 PM until 9 PM, and we hope to see all of you there!

There will be food trucks available for your patronage – bring some spending money if you’re planning to grab a bite.

There will also be drinks, and we’ll buy your first couple of rounds! If your tastes run towards premium liquor instead of well drinks, or if you plan on drinking more than 2 adult beverages, you should probably also bring some cash.

ReBAR is located downtown at this address:
1225 S Main Street
Las Vegas, NV 89101

Free street parking is available in front of the venue, and there is also a free parking lot nearby at 1301 Main Street which is surrounded by a chain link fence. We recommend carpooling or using a ridesharing app as parking is limited and designated drivers are super cool.

If you’ve never been to an official WordCamp After-Party before, don’t skip it! This is your chance to mix, mingle, network, and make some really cool new friends.

If you choose to have an unofficial after-after-party at one of Downtown Las Vegas’ fine establishments, enjoy yourself safely, and remember that WordCamp starts bright and early at 8:50 AM on Sunday morning.

We’ll have some hot coffee waiting for you.

First Time WordCamper? Here’s What You Should Know

WordCamp Las Vegas logo

WordCamps are locally organized, WordPress-focused events where community members can come together to learn and network. You’ll meet developers, bloggers, entrepreneurs, and agencies who use WordPress for everything from powering their business to building platforms to make significant change in the world. It’s a diverse crowd, and that’s one of a WordCamp’s greatest strengths.

If you’ve never been to a WordCamp event before, first of all, welcome! We’re so glad you’re joining us this time, and we hope you’ll love it as much as we do.

You don’t have to be an expert at WordPress to get truckloads of value from a WordCamp – heck, you don’t even have to be a current WordPress user! Lots of people come to WordCamps to see if WordPress is the right platform for what they want to accomplish, and it’s okay to attend talks that are a bit above your skill level. Sometimes, just knowing that something is possible makes a session worth your time.

The $40 admission price is a WordCamp standard. Most of the event costs are covered by sponsors, not by ticket sales. If camps didn’t have sponsors to help put on a great event for you, your ticket would be at least 3 to 4 times the cost. WordCamps keep prices low so that camps are accessible to people from all walks of life, whether you’re a startup trying to bootstrap your way up, a weekend blogger looking for some good tips, or an agency owner scouting for talent.

So, are you ready for your first camp?

Here are some tips to help you get the most out of it:

1: Don’t Skip The Afterparty

During sessions, you’re going to be taking notes and paying rapt attention to the presentation.

During lunch, you’re going to be refueling and trying to catch a few minutes with your favorite speakers and sponsors.

You can almost always catch a speaker, a sponsor, or another attendee in the hallways between (or even during) sessions, and it’s a great idea to chat with as many people as possible. Talk to everyone, every chance you get, because you never know what kind of connections you’ll make.

The real networking gold, though, is the afterparty.

Aside from being a ton of good, clean fun, the afterparty is your chance to catch up with the speakers whose sessions you missed, the sponsors that can help accelerate your business, and the people who are doing awesome things with WordPress. Some people go almost exclusively for the afterparty, so don’t miss out.

2: Take Notes, Even If There Are Slides

Most speakers share their slide decks after (and sometimes even before) their presentations.

Take notes anyway.

The act of writing something down has a powerful effect on the way you process and remember information, and your notes reflect exactly what you need to learn instead of what the presenter thinks is important.

If you prefer taking typed notes, bring a laptop or a tablet, but remember that not all camps have locations where you can plug in your devices.

3: Talk To Strangers

We alluded to this point a little bit when we talked about the afterparty, but it’s important, so here it is again:

While you’re at WordCamp, talk to people. The speakers are more than happy to answer your questions, and other attendees are great to know, too. You might meet your next business partner or your new best friend.

Make sure to visit the Happiness Bar with your questions, too. Most camps have a table set up with volunteers that can answer your development, design, marketing, and blogging questions for free. Many people who volunteer at the Happiness Bar regularly charge hundreds of dollars per hour for consulting services, so don’t miss out.

4: Get Social

Social media is a big deal at WordCamps. Share pictures on Instagram, tweet memorable quotes, and post on Facebook as you’re in talks or having a great time in the hallways.

Be sure to use the camp hashtag (ours is #WCLV) and tag speakers if you’re tweeting or posting about them.

Use social media intelligently, and you can actually watch WordCamp unfold from every angle. It’s really something spectacular.

5: Have Fun!

For those of us in WordPress related industries, WordCamp is technically work…but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy it.

Grab some swag, take lots of notes, and have a great time doing it.

Get your ticket here. We’ll see you in a week!

Moving Forward with WordCamp Las Vegas 2017

With the recent news in Las Vegas, the organizational team wanted to reach out to reassure our WP friends and family that we’re still working hard to make WCLV 2017 a great camp.

The communities to which we belong are the driving force that keeps us all participating in life, even when we don’t much feel like pushing through another day. This is a tough time for Las Vegas, and even if our closest friends and family aren’t among those directly affected, the whole city is coming together to deal with the aftermath.

It has been deeply moving to see hundreds of people lined up to donate blood, truckloads of supplies donated to first responders and families, and millions of dollars raised to help those who are still struggling to recover.

We invite you to reach out to your friends and neighbors no matter where you live, because our connections with other humans are more valuable than any of us realize. People across the country and the world are hurting right now, and your kindness could make all the difference.

As Las Vegas citizens, neighbors, and supporters, the best thing we can do for our city is to pick up the pieces and keep moving forward. Our economy in Vegas is almost entirely supported by tourism and events like WordCamp Las Vegas, so cancelling or postponing WCLV would only hurt those of us in the community even more.

That’s why we’re still having our WordCamp, and we hope you’ll join us to support the WordPress community and the people of Las Vegas who just want to keep on living.

In the meantime, you can help Las Vegas just by showing up. We’ll see you on October 14th and 15th.

We on the organizational team also want to especially thank our speakers, sponsors, and volunteers who are still coming together to make WCLV 2017 a success. We appreciate all of you more than you know.

Thanks for everything.

-The Organizational Team
Robert Gillmer (lead)
John Hawkins
Manny Costa
Chris Rogers
Russell Aaron
Michele Cheow
Kitty Lusby

WordCamp Las Vegas, NV, USA is over. Check out the next edition!