17 Things Marketers Wish Developers Knew (& How to Communicate Inversely with Marketers)

We’ve seen this story over and over. Your client’s marketing agency wants you to do something… or you need to talk to them about a problem they are causing, and there is this gap where you don’t know how to get through to them.
I’ve been on both sides of this fence and have gotten pretty good at bridging the gap. I’d like to help you close the gap with your clients or within your organization too.
We’ll discuss, among other things:
Site architecture and related SEO topics pertinent to WordPress
Design & UX considerations
Site speed
Tracking / analytics and what to do with them
How to prioritize
Don’t get stuck in games of politics when solid, clear, concise communication will do! Improve your marketing know-how and impress your clients and higher-ups too.


WordCamp Las Vegas, NV, USA is over. Check out the next edition!