Creating and Marketing Your Own Website For Your Retail Store

Creating and Marketing Your Own Website For Your Retail Store

-Describe the process we went through to create our retail store. ie: Market Research, Demographics, Location, Financial Resources, etc.

-Explain our rationale for not just creating our website, but the process we went through to arrive at using a WordPress/Woocommerce site. This includes why we excluded other non-Wordpress platforms. Also explain the process we used to flesh out the layout, which with the help of Quadshot, helped us arrive at the current site layout.

-Further describe how we have continued to tweak the layout to make it a better experience, at least for our needs and market.

-Describe the plug-ins we added by trial & error and by recommendations to set up our SEO and analytics.

-Explain how all this work has paid off with a growing customer base with has benefited both the internet sales but has also fed our Brick & Mortar sales.

-Discuss what our future plans are for the site as we continue to grow.

This will be a very non-technical talk. No code, no CSS, just a “Here’s what we did and why it worked” talk.

Since my background is Marketing & Advertising, Finance and Business Consulting to Family Businesses, I’ll be passing on some ideas which might help the start-ups some which might help them mesh the retail and internet worlds.


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