How to Outshine Your Competition in Our Exploding WordPress Market

We’ve all see the stats.
• 1/3 of the world’s websites are built in WordPress.
• 37 million global searches for “WordPress” on Google each month.
• As of January 2015, more than 243,000 WordPress projects had been completed on which is likely at least double that in 2019.

While this is WONDERFUL for the WordPress community, it also makes the competition for WordPress projects much stiffer. To compete in our exploding market, you need a Unique Value Proposition – that ONE thing that you do better than your competition (UVP).

In this session, you will learn:
-Why competing on price is pointless.
-Why your client is not interested in your technical skills.
-Why competing on design talent alone can be a lost cause.
-How Add-on Services “”might”” work as a UVP
-8 Questions you need to be prepared to answer (even if the client doesn’t ask)
-The single best strategy for establishing YOUR UVP and how to use it to outshine your competition

Accidental Business Owner: Now What?

It’s wonderful many people earn a living using WordPress: launching sites, building plugins, and designing themes. But sometimes we find ourselves in the middle of running a business we thought was just a fun hobby. How do you change your hobby to a hustle?

A successful hobby is the path to a successful business. So, how do you take your WordPress side hustle to a full-time gig? In this talk, we’ll discuss how to recognize your hobby isn’t just a hobby, how to build in steps and processes to help it scale, and how to know that the timing is right to launch.

Inclusive Content Strategy

Job postings, among so many other things, can be unintentionally exclusive.

“We are currently looking for the next Rockstars to join our stellar team! All employees must have killer work ethic and offer fanatical customer service.”

Inclusivity is at the heart of an effective content strategy. Accessible code may be imperative for inclusion, but all the code in the world doesn’t do any good if the content is not meaningful to our readers.

In this session, we’ll go over what we can do as content authors to ensure our readers feel that we are speaking with them, not at them. We’ll look beyond the semantic markup and structured content to see the strategic value of inclusive, well written content.

Discussion points will include:

  • What makes content inclusive? Including: definitions, clarifications, and real-life examples
  • Why is inclusive language important?
  • How we can embrace accessibility for those with every sort of ability
  • Why awareness and acceptance isn’t enough — how to shift to being more process oriented

Along with awareness, there is acceptance and action…

WordPress at the Heart of Your Strategy

This session tells you how and why use WordPress to maximize your traffic & monetization strategy. From brick & Mortar to personal brands, the website is the primary landing place for all your campaigns. Learn about building search engine relevance and converting that to an income.

How I Grew To 4 Million Website Visitors

In this session Matt will show in details the keys to his success:

  • Making business decisions based on statistical data.
  • Finding my unique niche
  • Deep-learning of SEO